First Vita Plus Shipping & Handling Policies
Great Vita Morning!
Delivery Time
To determine the delivery period from date of purchase, the shopper needs to consider the availability* of the items ordered as well as the shipping option selected. The following information shall be the basis in calculating the total transit time:
Consolidation and Packing - Approximate packing and consolidation time is 1 day
Local Shipping - Approximate delivery time is 1 to 2 days
Door-to-Door Delivery (Destination Port-to-Consignee's Door) - Approximate delivery time 1 to 2 days
International Shipping
Note: This website can't currently process international orders but it is possible. Just contact us through this website and we will process your orders.
By Air - Approximate delivery time is 4 to 7 days (Target: 3 to 4 days)
By Land/Sea -
Asia/Middle East
Approximate Delivery Time is 15 to 20 days(Target: 15 days)Europe/U.K/America
Approximate Delivery Time is 30 to 35 days(Target: 30 days)
Door-to-Door Delivery (Destination Customs-to-Consignee's Door) Approximate delivery time is 1 to 2 days
In case of delivery delays, FVP Marketing will inform the shopper of delivery backlogs or unforeseen delays. The shopper shall also be advised of the impact of the delay on the delivery lead-time.
If the shopper orders more than one item within a purchase transaction, FVP Marketing will make every effort to send similarly available items together, though there will be no guarantees. This of course assumes that the shipping method is the same for all items purchased.
Instead of waiting until the entire order is ready for shipping, which may delay the entire delivery, FVP Marketing reserves the right to ship the items as they become available at no extra cost. This situation will only occur if the ordered items have widely different availabilities that go beyond the grace consolidation period or the ordered items have different transport modes.
FVP Marketing may occasionally send ordered items within a purchase transaction in separate boxes. This however will not affect existing shipping charges.
When using FVP Marketing, all orders are insured against loss or damage. The cost of such insurance is included in the shopper’s shipping and handling fee.
Shipping Restrictions
FVP Marketing shall have the right, and sole discretion, to modify the shipping method with respect to the nature of the product (e.g., fragility, weight, size). This right shall exist at all times, even after FVP Marketing has accepted the shopper's purchase instructions. This change (and the corresponding revision on charges) shall be subject to confirmation from the customer.
Product Restrictions
It shall be the shopper’s sole responsibility to check and ensure that the products purchased may be lawfully imported to its home town or country, whether for personal use or retail.
FVP Marketing shall not be expected to clear entry and/or provide delivery for products that may not be lawfully imported or transported, as well as products that may require formal approval or special permits.
For more information about importing items, contact us at FVP Marketing.